Executive Board
Pearl Lai
Pearl is from Los Angeles, CA and majoring in International Business and minoring in Marketing. She has previously been apart of past executive boards as the Chair of Alumni and Vice President. She has also served as the project leader for the annual Buy Side event as well as projects this year.
Email: plai@sandiego.edu
Ciara Cooper
Vice President
Ciara is from San Diego, CA majoring in Business Administration. She has previously been apart of Buy Side (Spring 2017) and IPE (Fall 2017).
Email: ciaracooper@sandiego.edu
Nick Chai
Chief financial officer
Nick is from Miami, FL and majoring in International Business and Finance. He has participated in the Buy-Side project (Spring 2017) as well as the Mexico City Vector Pharma project (Fall 2017).
Email: nicholaschai@sandiego.edu
Julia Freund
Marketing Director
Julia is from New York, NY and majoring in International Business and Ethnic Studies. She has participated in the Chicago CSTN project (Spring 2017) as well as the Mexico City Vector Pharma project (Fall 2017).
Email: jfreund@sandiego.edu
Abby Hotchkiss
Alumni Director
Abby is from Portland, OR, majoring in International relations and double minoring in International Business and Nonprofit Social Enterprise and Philanthropy. She has participated in the Chicago CSTN project (Spring 2017) and the Mexico City Project (Fall 2017).
Email: ahotchkiss@sandiego.edu
Carolina Lemmen Meyer
Special Events Coordinator
Carolina is from Mazatlan, Mexico, majoring in International Business major and minoring in Political Science. She has participated in the Chicago CSTN project (Spring 2017) and the Mexico City Project (Fall 2017).
Email: clemmenmeyer@sandiego.edu
Martin Layco (MJ)
Design DIrector
MJ is from Pasadena, CA and majoring in Marketing. He has participated in the Chicago CSTN Project (Spring 2017).
Email: mlayco@sandiego.edu
Alex Spangler
Internship Director - Asia
Alex is from Fresno, CA, majoring in International Business. He has participated in the Chicago CSTN Project (Spring 2017).
Email: aspangler@sandiego.edu
Sofia Panayides
Internship Director
Sofia is from Cyprus, majoring in Marketing and Leadership Studies. She has participated in the Chicago CSTN Project (Spring 2017).
Email: spanayides@sandiego.edu
Chelsea Corpuz
Internship Director
Chelsea is from Fremont, CA, majoring in International Business and Finance. She has participated in Buy Side (Spring 2017) and Pacifico Aquaculture Project (Fall 2017). Chelsea is currently abraod in Prauge.
Email: ccorpuz@sandiego.edu
Fernanda López Tolsa
Internship Director - Latin America
Fernanda is from Mexico, majoring in International Relations and French and minoring in Business Administration. She has participated in Chicago CSTN (Spring 2017).