The story of SIBC in Chicago is one of beginnings. A blossoming comradeship, a new and challenging project, and the opportunity to discover the emerging industries within Chicago all characterized this experience.
It all started with Gabriel Nakashima and Eric Waldstein, who gave USD SIBC the opportunity to work in a Recruiting Campaign for the Charter Substitute Teacher Network. Our job was to create a consulting project on how to generate 1400 applications for their Substitute Teacher Program while allocating funds for marketing outreach.
The relationship developed between the SIBC project members was the most satisfactory thing to watch. We started out as strangers, yet turned into friends and colleagues. The late nights working over our presentation, our collaboration, and our collective excitement, united us in what I hope will be a long lasting community of SIBC members.
SIBC Project Group in Willis Tower. Pictured (top to bottom, left to right): Alex Spangler, Sofia Panayides, Julia Freund, Carolina Lemmen Meyer, Fernanda López Tolsa, Abigail Hotchkiss.
The project made us push our boundaries. Each of us delved into complicated subject areas, especially market research and allocation of funds for marketing research. Yet, it made us more capable to face challenging ventures under time constraints.
By April , the time had come to present our findings to CSTN’s CEO: Eric Waldstein. The project group arrive in O’Hare International Airport April 6th. The following morning, we got the exciting opportunity to head down to the company’s headquarters in downtown Chicago. Here, we exposed our ideas to Mr. Waldstein. Following an excellent presentation, we had the opportunity to mingle with both Mr. Waldstein and the Notre Damme SIBC chapter.
SIBC Project Grop and CSTN CEO (left to right): Sofia Panayides, Eric Waldstein, Abby Hotchkiss, Julia Freund, Carolina Lemmen Meyer, Martin Layco, Alexander Spangler, Megan Kerpsack, and Fernanda López Tolsa.
We culminated our trip by discovering the city of Chicago. We were treated to fine food and activities by SIBC, which helped us enjoy the beautiful city. All in all, this was an experience filled with intelligent and unique people, networking opportunities, real world business projects, and the exploration of a The Windy City.